Providing Professional Visa & Migration Services

Visa & Migration Doctors, a registered migration practice in Perth, Western Australia, comprises highly trained immigration agents. Fully registered with the Australian Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) and a proud member of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA), we are dedicated to utilizing our professional experience and extensive knowledge of migration laws to assist you in achieving your migration goals.


We Have Worked
With Clients


Successful Visa
Process Rate


Registered Migration Agents

Guiding Your Path with Our Core Values

As Registered Migration Agents, our commitment is to engage with you honestly and transparently. Bound by a Code of Conduct, we go beyond, consistently delivering exceptional service. Taking full responsibility for our work, we prioritize doing the right thing for the client. Our actions align with our words, and we take pride in being recognized as an ethical firm.

Our Immigration
Service history

Our journey started with a vision to streamline and enhance the accessibility of the immigration process for individuals and families worldwide. Understanding the challenges of relocating, we value and respect your choices. Committed to providing help and support, we strive to assist you in achieving your goals in every possible way. Open to feedback and alternative views, we prioritize collaboration and continuous improvement.

Our trusted immigration
support team

At the heart of our commitment to providing exceptional
immigration solutions stands

Esther Howard

Legal Advisor

Annette Black

Education Counsellor

Andrew Riis

Visa Specialist

Kristin Watson

Visa Coordinator

Jerome Bell

General Manager

Eleanor Pena

Case Manager

Esther Howard

Steve Trister

Daniel Lewis

Case Manager

We're proud to work with our preferred partners